Friday, January 9, 2009

Reflection of 2008

2008 was a heartbreaking year for me. It started off fairly nice, but became filled with despair towards the middle, but thankfully it ended better than it began. My year began to get a little rough in the end of May when my Godmother had a stroke and I was the only one that was able to take care of her. Me and my mom struggled all summer to find someone that would be able to take care of her during the day and stay with her at night. I had to stay with her for half the summer and go to summer school at the same time. Unfortunately, we could never find anyone that was qualified enough or available enough to be able to stay with her very long and the whole process became very stressful. Then, in October, she had to be hospitalized for unknown reasons and unfortunately she passed away two weeks later while I was away at school. Although I could not be at her side the day she died, I had a chance to talk to her everyday during her last week.

Her passing away really took a toll on me and every time I thought about her I just cried. I am actually crying now while writing this. Her death was just so unexpected since she was making wonderful progress when I left for school. It hurt me so much that I had to leave to go to school when we still hadn't found anyone we could trust to be with her. But she fortunately was never alone after I left and I thank God for that. But it is going to take me a very long time to not cry when I think about her. When I first came home from school for the winter break, my sister and I were driving to the DMV and we drove past her street. I immediately broke down crying when she took the exit from the freeway that lead to my Godmother street. I hated the fact that she was longer going to be on Hurley St. and that I no longer had a reason to go down there.

My Godmother was a significant part of my life and I thank God that my mother chose her and her husband as my Godparents. The best thing about her passing is that I know that she is now in heaven with my Godfather who went to his heavenly home only four years before. I missed them both tremendously, and I will never forget the everlasting impact the two of them had on me and the unconditional love they showed me.