Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Hmmm....V-day has to be the funniest holiday out of them all. The way people get so sad over one day amazes me. It is not like this day doesn't come around every year, but people continuously get sad, or cranky, or plain mad that they so happen to be alone on this one of 365 days out of the year. Do you complain about being alone any other day in the year? Then why cry about this one?

I have heard such angry comments about choking St. Valentine to Yay to this monetary holiday. If you don't believe in it that's fine. I believe that the only day that I require or expect my significant other to go above and beyond for me would be my Birthday because that is the only day that is dedicated to me. Yea I would love to be showered with love and affection on V-day, but you can do that by renting my fav movie, cooking my fav meal with my fav dessert, and cuddling up next to me on the couch. Just showing me you care is enough.

I feel as if only the angry, bitter, lonely people make a big deal about what others decide to do on this day because they wish someone could be doing it for them. Oh well, get over it. This day is only 24 hours in a sea of 24 hour days. In 30 minutes this day will be over, but will you be happier or sadder when you realize that you are still single the next day?