Friday, November 6, 2009

Dear God,

Hi, I don't really know what to say. Many people usually come to you to only ask you to grant them their hopes and dreams, but I usually just pray for my family to be blessed, to have sweet dreams, a great night sleep, and a blessed next day. I pray the same prayer every night with slight modifications. Particularly praying for one specific person, or for some event in my life that I want to go well or be safe in.

Every one wishes the best for their family and friends, or at least I do. There are so many people surrounding me in my life that I just wish I could say detailed prayers for them every night, but if I did that I don't think I would ever make it to sleep. So, I will take the time out now to pray for all those that I care for and hope that this is an everlasting pray that you will consider repeatedly. Sorry if this is uber-long, but I have plenty of people I want to pray for.

1. My mother - Lord bless my mom with peace of mind. Lord you know that she worries considerably and takes on the worries of others. Grant her with serenity so that she may be fully happy and live out the rest of her days carefree. Bless her that she continues to love her job, work hard, and want to continue to excel so that she may finally be able to retire and put all her years of strenuous work behind her for good. Watch over my mother as she goes out into the world. I know that you say that to believe in you is to be fearless, and I try, but I fear that the people my mom encounter do not see your halo around her. So, lord please keep her safe. I know she is courageous and fearless, but her children are not and worry about her constantly. And lord, please bless her that she does all that she can for those that she loves. I know that she always wants to help those around her because for so long she was unable to. Please grant her the ability to do all that she hopes to.

2. My sister Nikki - lord bless Nikki with the same as my mom and grant her serenity, peace of mind, and success. Lord, you know that Nikki takes on the weight of the world and it causes her distress. Please bless her that she will be able to forget about the evils of the world. It keeps her awake at night along with her other troubles. Speaking of, God please, please bless her with good health. Please bless Nikki with the chance of prosperity so that she may have a better chance at life. Nikki is a wonderful person and the status of her health is starting to deteriorate along with her self-esteem and natural light. Please bless her to soon be able to get her health in order before her light is gone. Having her light will not only benefit her, but all those that encounter her, but lord you already know that because you gave it to her.

3. My sister Donye' - My prayer for my little sister is small but one of my major worries. Lord please bless Donye' to remain the sweet, silly, goofy, innocent minded girl that she currently is, but lord please make her aware of the real world so that she may not be deceived, taken advantage of, or sucked into any trouble. My greatest fear for her is that she will soon revolt against her strong christian upbringing and cause more trouble than necessary in her life. So lord, please continue to guide her and surround her with great people. I know that you know all this and everything is planned, but lord you also know how we tend to stray from your path...please help the people around Donye' to help her continue on the path toward you. I generally just want for her to turn out like me lord, but better, greater.

4. My brothers Mack and Steve - Lord please bless both of them and their families. Bless Steven with a greater faith, a stronger wife, and healthy children. You have blessed him considerably, and at the moment it appears that he has all, but of course like us all, he still needs prayer because no one's life is perfect. Bless him with an understanding, calm wife, outstanding children, and the intuitive not to forget you lord. We all wish for prosperity but often forget who blessed us with it. People become too busy with making their fortune to make time for you, so bless my brother Steve and his family with the opportunity to develop in you and not forget you. Lord please bless my brother Mack to give up all of his unhealthy habits and devote himself to his family and you lord. Mack has some demons that he really needs to be rid of lord so please relieve him of these demons so that he may be the best possible man that he made him to be.

5. Tiffany - Lord please bless Tiffany to be able to finally be relieved of all the craziness that surrounds her and Malaya. Lord please help her to see that nothing in her life will change unless she puts true effort into making it change. She constantly complains about the different occurrences in her life, but she makes little effort to fix her situation. Let her know that she does not need a man in her life that does not support or provide for her and her family. So Lord motivate her to see the path that you have set before her, and help her to realize that she does not need anyone else's help and support but yours.

6. Darice - God please bless Darice that she is able to properly get back on her feet after having her last child. Bless her to see her worth so that she may be confident enough in herself to make sure that she alone with your help is able to provide for her and her children. Let her know that she does not need a man in her life that does not support or provide for her and her family. Darice and Tiffany are in the same situations Lord and I just asked that you guide them both out of the storm so that they may become what you want them to become.

7. Dee Dee- God just simply bless Dee Dee with the way she handles the world. Help her to understand that alcohol is not the answer to stress and that she can survive the stress of the day without having a drink at the end.

8. Joshua - Lord, bless Josh with the ability to stay focus. Give him the strength to stay on task, overlook distractions, and do everything that he possibly can to get to the place he is destined to be in life. Help him to be able to separate personal from professional, and become the great professional man he aspires to be. Help him to also be the man of God that he wants to be, and the man that you are trying to make him into . Lord just help Josh to overall be that great man of God that everyone knows he can be.

9. All friends - God just bless all the friends that surround me with whatever may come into their lives. Bless them that they are able to overcome any and all situations that come their way, and they are able to come through them stronger and wiser.

10. My family - All - God please watch over my family and see that they are happy and healthy. Lord watch carefully over the children and see that they are well taken care of and that no harm comes their way. God please bless their parents to raise great children of God and see that they may not go astray and in turn take their children down a troubled path. Bless all my family that they may forget the troubles of the past and trust fully in you Lord to guide them into their futures.