Monday, March 22, 2010

An update on my life

So, it's been almost five months since I've last blogged and part of it is because I had nothing to talk about, and the other part is because I gave of the Internet outside of school and work for Lent. Although Lent is not quite over yet (I still have two more weeks), I really felt the need to write out a few emotions, and talk about a few events and new happenings.

In 2010, I have:
~ spent a week in Atlanta, GA where I helped build a learning garden for elementary children.
~ been to Mardi Gras
~ participated in Lent for the first time where I gave up the Internet and sexually explicit music. Still holding strong on the music.
~ made some interesting memories with a few guys.
~ been trying to change and become a new, possibly better person.
~ gone on an epic road trip of Texas where I visited five cities in four days.

I have had a pretty exciting year thus far and I only hope it continues to get better. My only worries at the moment are that I don't know what I want to do after graduation (Fall 2010!!!), I won't be able to do my internship from home, and that I won't be able to be with the guy I like. The last thing is the biggest worry in my mind at the moment simply because it is the only one I have no control over. If the other two don't work out, that's all my fault because I didn't do what I needed to to ensure their success. However, if I don't get with the guy, that's not all my fault. He has a part in whether or not we be together too, and that is what worries me. I'm worried about whether he wants to be with me or if I'm even what he wants. And although this is not more important as the others in regards to me being successful in life, it is a part of why people go through life, which is to find someone to be with so that they can one day fall in love and get married. Or at least that's my reason.